2024 Mrs. Oktoberfest Kate Dunnum

Photo courtesy of The Studio

Article by Brad Quarberg

Lured to a friend’s home in May, Kate Dunnum came prepared to discuss a serious topic and offer support.

But when she arrived at 2016 Mrs. Oktoberfest Sue Weidemann’s home, Dunnum was introduced to two others as “sisters.” They were past Mrs. Oktoberfests.

“I knew then we weren’t going to talk about what I thought I was there to talk about,” recalls Dunnum. That’s when she found out she was becoming the 2024 Mrs. Oktoberfest.

Among the smiles and hugs, Dunnum says her heart was pounding extra hard with excitement. Among the celebratory food and drink she saw a large, three-ring binder full of information to guide her through the upcoming year.

“I didn’t even know where to begin with all the questions in my mind, but I knew immediately I was in good hands,” says Dunnum.

Dunnum was born and raised in the Minneapolis suburb of St. Louis Park. She graduated from Benilde-St. Margaret’s High School in 1988 and UW-Eau Claire in 1992. She came to La Crosse for a sales position at WXOW-TV a few years later.

Since leaving that position 23 years ago, Dunnum has worked with volunteers. First she was a campaign director for Great Rivers United Way, now she works in Volunteer Services at Mayo Clinic Health System.

“It’s so rewarding to work with service-minded people who are motivated by their desire to give back,” she explains. “Our volunteers at Mayo range in age from 16-91. Our youth volunteers give me great hope for our future, while our retirees provide me with a glimpse of what I’d like my own retirement to look like.”

Dunnum knows about volunteering firsthand. Since 2018, she has served on the Board of Directors at Coulee Region RSVP, an organization that connects individuals aged 55 and better to meaningful volunteer experiences in the community.

As a Rotarian for more than two decades, she’s held leadership roles including President and Committee Chair, as well as volunteering for numerous other Rotary activities like Moon Tunes and Mobile Meals.

Her family has enjoyed volunteering for Rotary Lights since their girls were young. Their favorite roles have been collecting food at the exit of the park while witnessing the generosity of people — along with “wielding the power of the blinking red traffic control wand,” she says.

Dunnum has been involved in many other community projects. She says one fulfilling opportunity is volunteering at her church, Crucifixion Catholic Church in La Crescent where she’s enjoyed several volunteer roles over the years, including lector, Confirmation teacher and kitchen helper for Lenten fish fries.

Faith has always played an important part in her life. It became essential in June 2021 when she was diagnosed with advanced colon cancer.

“It came as a complete shock,” Dunnum says. Surgery followed, along with 12 rounds of chemo. While the diagnosis was a shock, Dunnum says the support she received was overwhelming.

“The sheer number of cards, texts, phone calls, visits, meals, flowers and inquiries about my health that I received, and the kind messages of support they carried, have changed me,” she explains. “I now know that no gesture of interest or concern is too small.”

Dunnum says a simple text asking how someone is doing or telling them you’re thinking of them can change the course of someone’s day. A card in the mailbox can lift spirits.

“I have a drawer full of cards now to have on hand when an opportunity presents itself to offer support,” she says. “Thanks to all the support I received, and my exceptional medical care at Mayo, I’m proud to be a cancer survivor – over two years cancer free.”

Dunnum also has strong family support. When she married John Dunnum, a widower with two young daughters, Kristine and Jenna, she immediately became a mother.

“I’ll never forget the first time they called me ‘mom’ on our wedding day,” she says.

Daughter Leah was born 16 months later. In recent years, the family has grown to include a son-in-law and granddaughter. The couple still lives in La Crescent with their youngest daughter.

Oktoberfest has played a part in the family’s past. All three daughters have marched with the La Crescent High School Marching Band in the Torchlight and Maple Leaf parades. When the fest ran for a week, Dunnum organized “The Gong Show,” a high school battle of the bands.

But since being married, her main Oktoberfest role has been “support.” Dunnum’s husband has an October birthday, so every year his birthday gift has been to be free of all spouse and father responsibilities to enjoy the fest’s opening day.

“There are no timelines, no questions asked, just for him to have fun while I take care of things at home,” she explains. “Even though the girls are all older now, this is still his birthday gift.”

That, of course, will change this year when the couple will travel with the royal family during the four-day fest, along with school and nursing home visits the week after. Dunnum says they are looking forward to meeting the community leaders associated with Oktoberfest and making visits.

“We’re so proud of our community and having the opportunity to be its representatives is an honor we’re embracing,” she says.

Dunnum has selected “Share Your Gifts” as her theme. She says everyone has been given a gift – maybe an artistic or musical talent, a green thumb, or a way with kids. She encourages using those gifts.

“Share what you’ve been given to make the world a better place: bring your artistic or musical gift to a nursing home for the delight of the residents; help a neighbor revive their brown landscaping with your green thumb; or be the adult a child looks up to by volunteering at an organization that serves our youth,” she says. “Gifts are meant to be used and shared.”

Meet the 2024 Mrs. O Kate Dunnum

Spouse: John Dunnum

Immediate family: Daughters – Kristine, Jenna, Leah; Son-in-Law, Drew; Granddaughter, Sadie

Professional experience: Currently Volunteer Services/Auxiliary Coordinator at Mayo Clinic Health System; previously Great Rivers United Way Campaign Director

Community involvement: La Crosse Valley View Rotary Club, La Crescent Crucifixion Catholic Church, Coulee Region RSVP

Hobbies/interests: volunteering, walking, biking, hiking, cribbage, convertible rides with John

Theme for the year: “Share Your Gifts”

Former Mrs. Oktoberfests

YearMrs. OktoberfestMr. O
2023Regina SiegelJohn
2022Sandra Cleary
2021Ilene KernozekTom
2019-2020Darryle ClottMarv
2018Mary MickelsonRandy
2017Lynn GundlachDan
2016Sue WeidemannMike
2015Peggy HerlitzkaDoug
2014Sue DillenbeckJim (Dilly)
2013Kenna ChristiansRoger
2012Julie BartelsTerry
2011Florence AlieschMike
2010Karla StanekJohn
2009Barbara LarsenTerry*
2008Robyn TankeMike
2007Sue SchultzMarc
2006Earlamae DahlbyJim
2005Rosemarie LinkCharles
2004Sharon Imes*Roger
2003Jane SteingraeberPaul
2002Rita SanchezJim*
2001Joanne LitzowDavid
2000Jean Marck*Bob*
1999Eleanor St. JohnPerry*
1998Mary Patros*
1997Birgitta Linnert*Peter
1996Sandra McCormickDick
1995Patricia BogeJerome*
1994Joyce WicheltRay*
1993Dorothy Boschert*Hugh
1992Jan MooreDuane
1991Kathy VehrenkampDave
1990Marita SmithGeorge
1989Jean Gitz Bassett
1988Judy BouffleurDave
1987Geri Houlihan*Don
1986Carol TabelDuane*
1985Kay TaylorRollo*
1984Olive Lawson*Eric
1983Jeanne ConnellyMark*
1982Sandy Kapellas*Tom
1981Ellen Heinecke*Jim
1980Alma Burns Zahn*
1979Ruth Rebhan*Cully*
1978Marge Tierney*Bill
1977Bea Zielke*Pat*
1976Evelyn PertzschDavid*
1975Leona Amundson*Richard
1974Ione JohnsonBob*
1973Jean WesterfieldNorman*
1972Irene Lynch*Edward
1971Betty StollWally
1970Carol Bluske*Wayne
1969Leisel Peterslie*Oscar
1968Joyce LindsethLarry*
* Fondly Remembered

Who will represent La Crosse as Mrs. Oktoberfest?

Nominations for Mrs. Oktoberfest 2024 are now open!

The requirements for a nominee should be a person who:

  • Actively involved in the La Crosse Community
  • Married or previously married
  • At least 50 years old
  • Living within 20 miles of La Crosse
  • Able to devote her time to numerous Oktoberfest activities throughout the upcoming year
  • A La Crosse and Oktoberfest enthusiast
  • Aware that you are nominating them to be Mrs. Oktoberfest

The deadline for nominations is Friday, April 4 at 5:00 p.m. All nominations must be made online, through the form link below. Nominees shall remain active in the candidate pool for three years, starting with the year of the original nomination. If you have questions about the nominating process, please contact Mrs. Oktoberfest 2021 Ilene Kernozek

Click here to nominate someone as Mrs. Oktoberfest