
The longest-running Oktoberfest in the USA

During late September and early October, both Munich and La Crosse are filled with “merrymaking” and a carnival atmosphere known in both cities as Oktoberfest. The first Oktoberfest in La Crosse, Wisconsin was held on October 13, 14, and 15, 1961.

The origin of Oktoberfest


The Dirndl

You may have seen or heard of a dirndl, but what is it exactly and how did it come to be the traditional Oktoberfest fashion worn by women?


There’s no shortage of Lederhosen at Oktoberfest.

Oktoberfest Button

Each year, festers collect the new Oktoberfest button—featuring the winner from a community button design contest.

Medallion Hunt

Join the hunt for the Oktoberfest Medallion, or just enjoy the intrigue of the daily clues.